Te Whakatōhea, Ngāi Tai, Te Whānau ā Apanui
Phone: +64 9 921 9999 extn 8828
Email: toi.williams@aut.ac.nz
BCS, BMPA, Te Tohu Pōkairua, MA(Hons), PhD
Indigenous storytelling, Māori documentary filmmaking, mātauranga Māori, pūrākau Māori, historical narratives, Māori language revitalisation captured through film and documentary, storytelling through videography, photography, poetry, podcasts and narration.
Te Rerekohu Tuterangiwhiu (practice lead) prospective student
Jared Donkin (practice lead)
Haunui Royal (practice lead)
Externally funded
The language of the environment: Funded by Catalyst, this project is led by Associate Professor Isaac Warbrick, Faculty of Health & Environmental Sciences, AUT.
Williams, T. (2024). Exhibition publication of PhD research and documentary Installation Tangata~Whenua: Ōpōtiki, at Te Tāhuhu o Te Rangi. ISBN: 978-1-99-101128-2
Williams, T. (2024). Tangohia mai te Taura - Take This Rope: Exploring Māori Documentary-Making Approaches to Elevate Whānau Narratives. Doctoral thesis, Auckland University of Technology. http://hdl.handle.net/10292/17323
Williams, T. (2023). Exhibition publication of PhD research and documentary Installation Tangata~Whenua at AUT. ISBN:978-1-99-101127-5
Williams, T. (2022). Taura Here: A contextual review of knowledge related to the study, Tangohia mai te taura: Take this rope (M. Mortensen Steagall, Trans.). The Geminis Journal, 13 (2),130-139. https://doi.org/10.53450/2179-1465.RG.2022v13i2p130-139
Williams, T. (2021). Nō hea koe? Where are you from? Link Conference proceedings, 2 (1) DOI: https://doi.org/10.24135/link2021.v2i1.90
Williams, T. (2016). Tū ake ngā uri o Muriwai: Understanding Key Factors that Lead to the Success of Rangatahi Māori from Ōpōtiki. Master of Arts,thesis Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand.1 https://openrepository.aut.ac.nz/handle/10292/10222